Today is my birthday! Thank you for all the amazing well-wishes I’ve already received and (getting ahead of myself here) for any that some of you may still give me! 🙂 I am so grateful to have another wonderful year and to spend it with the people I love, and that now includes you wonderful people who are part of my online/blog family. Whether you regularly read this blog or are new here, I am grateful to every one of you and a big thank you for visiting and I hope you’ll stick around 🙂 ❤
A birthday is a special time in our lives especially for children. There are dreams of receiving wonderful gifts or of doing amazing things and a birthday, for most of us as children, is a time when we can look forward to things getting better. As we get older though, it’s often the case that birthdays lose their meaning and many adults pass that special day barely acknowledging it, or in some cases fearing it as it marks another year of age and lack of youth. But how should we feel on our birthdays? And should we be making any birthday wishes?

A birthday is a special time in our lives especially for children. There are dreams of receiving wonderful gifts or of doing amazing things and a birthday, for most of us as children, is a time when we can look forward to things getting better. As we get older though, it’s often the case that birthdays lose their meaning and many adults pass that special day barely acknowledging it, or in some cases fearing it as it marks another year of age. But how should we feel on our birthdays? And should we be making any birthday wishes? As for me, I look forward to making people happy everyday of my life. This is my greatest birthday wish.